AFC Members Forum
GPT Space&Co Queen and Collins - Epiphany room, 376-390 Collins Street, MelbourneWed 23 Oct
Free with Registration
Event Accessiblity
Wheelchair accessible
Accessible by wheelchair
Accessible toilet
An accessible toilet is available at this event
Open captioning
This event will have on screen text descriptions that communicate dialogue, identify speakers and describe other relevant sounds
Companion cards & companions
If you have a Companion Card, you qualify for a complimentary second ticket to bring a companion. Please see the Accessibility page for how to book a ticket for a companion. If you require a companion but do not have a Companion Card, please see our Accessibility page
Accessible for low vision
This event can provide additional access provisions for people who are blind or have low vision. This may include guided or tactile tours and exhibitions
Assistive listening systems available on request
Hearing loops or assistive listening systems can be requested up to two weeks pre-event by emailing mfwticketing@melbourne.vic.gov.au
50% aural content
This event has both sound and visual components, but sight isn’t essential to engage properly with the work
Auslan Interpreting available on request
An Auslan interpreter can be requested up to 2 weeks pre-event by emailing mfwticketing@melbourne.vic.gov.au
Chill Zone
A quiet zone is available to help reduce sensory stimulation during the event. Please speak with the Accessibility Concierge or to a member of staff if you need help finding or using the quiet zone.
Gender Neutral Toilets
This event has gender neutral toilets available